Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Musical spices

If you are looking for music...

Umbrella-Mandy Moore

Heal the world-Michael Jackson

Heal The World Lyrics


What If God Was One Of Us Lyrics

Hmmm the last song...is quite...questionable in the sense if it was for or against Christianity.But you know what, it makes a lot of sense and it just puts the cry of so many people out there into a song.

You know what, you dont need to listen to christian music 24/7 to tell the world you are righteous.Whats wrong with secular music anyway if they are soul-soothing???We are humans for goodness' sake.So yes, to me, any music that is soul-soothing in lyrics/melody/beat/all mentioned before is worth a try and will be entitled a space in my Ipod.

I'm selective about stuff i'm listening to now but stuff like Britney spears reflect my growth too.I grew up listening to those...just as i grew up idolising Justin Timberlake hahaha.He's a really good musician(2 grammys to his name and really good performer in the sense hes so professional) and what he does with his life...is really his to make out of.Its not easy being in the music industry.And his family kinda have some parallel to mine although his dad is actually a pastor. Mandy moore too...we actually have quite similar music taste haha! (rachael yamagata and a bunch of others less known artistes).Whats my point?Music transcend cultures, race, geographical distance.(Crediting Our journey here...)

I should seriously put links to my blog.Why? so that people who do chance upon this blog(yes yes, advance google search christine lek leads you here), shall find other blogs that are more interesting and will GET OUT of this.haha...
In the meantime, I'm spicing it with music and loads of other stuff i have never done before.Technology is not bad thing.Its how you use it that makes the difference. Rachel and I's TOK topic is the ethics of piracy and file-sharing-wonderful topic eh?I have so many ideas for the presentation already.However, now now, there is a risk putting it up here since people can steal it and do a better job.Whatever it is man, we are...ones of the top few female singers in the school (self-declared but give us the credits-we so deserve it) so whatever it is again, our PPT WILL ROCK.

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