Sunday, July 01, 2007


Youth Sunday

It's been a succession of wonderful days that were spent in uplifted spirit.Today's service, with worship led by the youth ministry, is really good.I'm not just talkin about the worship, but rather the whole service itself.The message, the right response to trials by Pastor Erik, was timely and ministering.God was speaking.Sometimes, i really just want to get out of these trials that i'm facing.The fact is that i have a choice to run from them made it all the more tempting to just abandone them altogether and seek refuge elsewhere.I guess today's message is God's encouragement to me.I shant go into the details of today, but rather, I'll copy some of the sermon notes, quotes, that i found to be of tremendous help in troubled times like now.

Right response to trials
Text: James 1:1-12
Pastor Erik Kua.

Peserverence can only be achieved when one is tested to our full measure.(v3-4)
Every step you take is one step closer to the finish line.
Don't try to get out of things prematurely.Let things run their course.
Trials and testsa re devine homework so that we may know God better and draw closer to Him.(v12)

Thank You, Lord,
for the trials that come my way.
In that way I can grow each day
as I let You lead,
And thank You, Lord,
for the patience those trials bring.
In that process of growing,
I can learn to care.

But it goes against the way
I am to put my human nature down
and let the Spirit take control of all I do.
'Cause when those trials come,
my human nature shouts the thing to do;
and God's soft prompting can be easily ignored.

I thank you, Lord,
with each trial I feel inside,
that You're there to help,
lead and guide me away from wrong.
'Cause You promised, Lord,
that with every testing,
that Your way of escaping is easier to bear.

But it goes against the way
I am to put my human nature down
and let the Spirit take control of all I do.
'Cause when those trials come,
my human nature shouts the thing to do;
and God's soft prompting can be easily ignored.

I thank You, Lord,
for the victory that growing brings.
In surrender of everything
life is so worth while.
And I thank You, Lord,
that when everything's put in place,
out in front I can see Your face,
and it's there You belong.
Books I'm TRYING to read:
To what end
A woman after God's own heart
The Alchemist

Songs overplayed:
From the inside out
Through it all
When You're gone
All I ask of you
Summer snow

Okie, this is the addition to the morning post since i have about 20 minutes spare before i start my work proper.It's frustrating really...i do have a lot of things on my mind, but every time i start typing stuff here, all the strains of thoughts just evaporated.Well,I've been reading more books and newspaper these few days.I read a random book titled "Why am i afraid to love?" by John Powell.Its random because i was just bored taking a break from my studies, so i browsed through the dad's bookshelf and yupz, the title just caught my attention.Well, its a very small, thin book which i finished reading in one sitting of 30 minutes, yet, it preaches deep and profound revelations.I'll type some of those at the end of this post.

For now..hmm..the random thoughts again.The moon tonight is majestic.It's so beautiful, it made me gaze at it for about 5 minutes or so.I didnt even know it's full moon now.Hayz...the beautiful moon, it made me miss Bintan a lot.How I just wish I could teleport myself back to that little "survivor" island and well, spend day or two there.I dont think i will forget that night anytime soon.The stars so bright and so numerous they covered the whole sky, almost every inch of it.At 4 am, there was no moon nor light to shine off these stars, the entire sky was a magnificent view.God's creation, this earth, is beautiful and maverlous and such, but everyday, it's being destroyed, deteriorating at breakneck's speed.Such is the pathetic, sinful nature of humans...of wanting, exploiting everything and paying little or no attention to the damage they cause.

I have about 1o mins more to rant on.Well, I'm going to do up my study schedule for the week ahead, set goals for the next term and organise my time for the next few months as well.I do have a lot of commitments and yeah, I do want to excel from next term onwards.It's gonna be crazily busy but I'm trusting God for everything.I'm just going to pray hard, seek Him and have faith He will pull me through the trials He has allowed to blaze in my life.There was a time when God felt so far away, and I dont want that time to ever come again.It was the time when suicidal thoughts filled my mind, when my escape was just...death.Now, I wont even allow myself to think of such thoughts, it's scary, and most importantly, it's a very self-centered, selfish thought.I'll go through all of them...I wont escape..and i'll steer ahead with a smile =)

I do seriously want to go to KK this december.But yeah, I'll pray about it from now till then and see if ill have the greenlight, since as Mr Ng said, its the most important thing.I also want to tutor in Crescent and help out in the Rainbow center, with BB and schoolwork to handle, a few mentees to take care of...well..that looks a like a long list isnt it?I'm just afraid that i'll turn into a workaholic again, working in the name of the Lord but in reality just to immense myself in work so i wont have the time to think and care about anything.Thats very selfish of me huh...But yet again...thats been the christine everyone knows... beckons.And its a very long entry AGAIN haha.I think i need to learn how to cut down the length of my entry haha.

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