Friday, May 26, 2006

i realise that i could never say the deepest, darkest secrets here.ok, i have about 10 mins to blog.i'll make it a quick one, hopefully.

Ok, i saw Mr ravi yesterday.I expected the meeting to go another way but well, i understood why it was how it was.I know i'm being very vague. the problem was that it was so technical i didnt know why i was there.Obviously the marks speak for the subjects themselves. He didnt need to tell my dad the technical parts of the the subjects right?Would it help?I hardly think so. I don't understand why the school asked the so-called weaker students to see the HOD.It doesnt make a difference because the HOD seems extremebly detached with the students. Sometimes, they are speaking regarding what they think they know based on the report book and not what the problem is really about. I wished my dad could have seen other teachers, for examples, my science teachers.Oh well nvm

The thing that hit home was how other teachers remarked. I didnt know why i was suddenly emotional that day. I was not suppose to shed tears. I didnt want to be exact. But I couldnt help it all the same.I was so engulfed in tears i had to went to the toilet to let it out.I was grateful the toilet was deserted.

You know what, the teachers have so much faith in me.So much that i was strengthened by them because i was rather surprised by some of the teachers' remarks. Not surprised because they were bad, but because they were otherwise.With so much faith and confidence put on me, how could i not try harder and do well?If it is not for my own shake, it is for them, the teachers and my parents definitely. Sometimes, having to do something for others in spite of your own weakness gives us more strength and courage than we ever know.

OK,i have to go...i just swam..felt good. I just had my ice-cream too...felt good =))

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