Thursday, August 26, 2004

Haha...I'm blogging in CS right now.Ms Shervonne is trying to teach us IMOVIE but i dont really seem to give a damn after listening to her for 15 mins.I think its easy enough cos its bascically messing around with the effects.

I'm numb right now lol.The air-con is way too cold man.I'm having difficulties typing le.Oh whatever...40 more mins and I'm outta classroom.I dont mind lit so its not that bad but i'm increasinly minding science man.I used to find it really ok but since Neo became our teacher, the subject is just a bore.Its such a chore to study it now, I'm sincerely doubting taking triple science.See how first.

Shalala..this post is continued after 2 days haha.I'm in the comp room again.I'm supposed to go for communication course but dun feel like going.Its heck boring kk..Oh well,Ive got choir later and ms tham is coming so its something to look forward to at least.Tmr is french class TDC!Geez, I hope Monsieur will be happy.We put quite a lot of efforts into doing it.haha.

Okie la, I shall go for the course now.Shall be guai or else Janet lee runs after me later for being late.I will update and recap the last few day's events later k...Quite a lot of things happened.

Au revoir!

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